
呼和浩特白塔机场秋季鸟类及鸟击防范对策 被引量:14

A Study on Avian and Protective Measures to Avoid Bird Strikes in Baita Airport in Autumn in Hohhot
摘要 2005年8月16日~11月10日,对呼和浩特白塔机场中心点周边7公里范围内的秋季鸟类资源现状进行了调查,共记录到鸟类54种,隶属于13目27科.其中,夏候鸟20种,留鸟23种,旅鸟8种,冬候鸟3种,分别占鸟类种数的37.04%、42.59%、14.81%、5.56%.在43种繁殖鸟类中(包括夏候鸟和留鸟),古北界鸟类有35种,占繁殖鸟类的81.40%,东洋界鸟类仅有4种(占繁殖鸟类的9.30%).通过对重要值的分析,表明对飞行安全影响较大的鸟类有大蟹、麻雀、灰斑鸠和喜鹊等8种.广性分布的有红隼、家鸽等7种.种间遇见率为0.8717.草地生境中鸟类的多样性指数、丰富度指数最高,分别为2.9527、8.1027;村镇生境鸟类的多样性指数、丰富度指数最低,分别为1.8144、3.3663.根据鸟类的群落结构特征,分析了不同生境鸟击的潜在隐患,结果表明草地、湿地和林地是鸟击防范的重点区域.对家鸽、环颈雉、达乌里寒鸦等13种对飞行安全威胁较大的鸟类进行了隐患分析,并提出了以飞行区草坪的科学管理和机场周边地区土地的合理规划为主的综合防范对策. From Aug. 16th, 2005 to Nov. 10th, the birds of Hohhot Baita airport in antumn were investigated. There are 54 species belonging to 27 families and 13 orders. Within them,there are 20 summer migrant species (37.04%), 23 resident species (42. 59%), 8 traveling species (14. 81%), 3 winter migrant species(5.56%). 35 palaearctic species represented 81.40% of the whole 43 native progenitive species, 4 oriental species only represented 9.30%. An analysis of the importance value indicated that Buteo hemilasius, Passer montanus,Streptopelia decaocto,Pica pica etc. were the most dangerous species. 7 pecies (Falco tinnunculus,Columba sp. etc. ) have a very wide distribution. PIE is 0. 8717. Diversity index(2. 9527) and Richness index(8. 1027) of sward are the highest in 6 habitats,the village' s are the lowest. On the base of avian community structure, some hidden trouble ingredients of birdstrike in 6 different habitats were analyzed. It showed that the turf, everglade and woodland are significant areas to avoid birdstrike. 13 species (Phasianus colchicus, Columba sp. and Corvus dauuHcus etc. ) are latent menace to flying safety,and they were analysed. The bird drived-away tactics are put forward centered on strengthening turf management in flying area and planning landuse out of the flying area.
出处 《内蒙古大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第4期428-433,共6页 Journal of Inner Mongolia University:Natural Science Edition
基金 内蒙古民航集团公司资助项目(20040016)
关键词 白塔机场 鸟类 群落结构 多样性 鸟击 防范对策 Baita airport avian community structure diversity birdstrike protective measures
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