
河南两城市高中生饮酒行为及影响因素 被引量:2

Research on the drinking behaviors and factors of senior high school students in two cities of Henan Prov-
摘要 目的了解高中生的饮酒行为及影响因素,为有针对性地开展预防控制青少年饮酒的健康教育工作提供理论依据。方法采用分层整群随机抽样方法,在河南省郑州、信阳市6所高中(重点、普通和职高各2所)抽取2756名高一、高二学生,于2005年11月进行了匿名问卷调查。结果调查学生的饮酒率为56.5%,其中偶尔饮酒率为42.9%,经常饮酒率为13.6%。初始饮酒的平均年龄为13.1岁,26.4%的饮酒学生在过去1年中至少发生1次醉酒。61.2%的学生饮用国产啤酒,70.8%的学生是在过节时饮酒,家庭是学生最容易发生饮酒行为的地方。Logistic回归分析显示性别、学校类型、年级、零花钱、学习成绩、父母的饮酒行为、父母对子女饮酒的态度、同伴的饮酒行为、同伴对调查者饮酒的态度、饮酒积极期望、饮酒消极期望和饮酒自我效能等影响高中生饮酒行为的发生。结论河南省两城市的大部分高中生有饮酒行为。对高中生饮酒行为和控制亟待进一步加强。 Objective To study the alcohol behaviors of the senior high school students, and find out fac- tors that affect drinking behavior, and provide theoretical results to support the development of health education programs aimed at preventing alcohol abuse. Methods A survey of 2756 tenth and eleventh grade students in six senior high schools (2 key schools, 2 general schools, and 2 vocational schools) in the cities of Zhengzhou and Xinyang city in Henan Province was surveyed in November 2005. Results The general drinking rate of the students is 56.5% , among whom 42.9% are occasional drinkers and 13.6% are regular drinkers. The average age at which they began drinking is 13.1 years old, 26.4% of the drinking students were heavily drunk at least once in the past year. 61.2% of students drank beer made in our country. They mostly drank at home in the holi- days. Logistic regression investigates that gender, school type, grade, pin money, study achievement, parental drinking behavior, parental attitude to the adolescent' s drinking, peer drinking behavior, peer attitude to the ado- lescent' s drinking, alcohol positive expectancy, alcohol negative expectancy, and drinking self-efficacy affect ado- lescent drinking behaviors. Conchlsilm Most of the senior high school students in two cities of Henan Province are drinkers. More attention should be paid to the phenomena.
出处 《中国行为医学科学》 CSCD 2007年第2期155-157,共3页 Chinese Journal of Behavioral Medical Science
关键词 高中生 饮酒率 饮酒期望 自我效能 The senior high school students Drinking rate Alcohol expectancy Self-efficacy
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