Objective To study the alcohol behaviors of the senior high school students, and find out fac- tors that affect drinking behavior, and provide theoretical results to support the development of health education programs aimed at preventing alcohol abuse. Methods A survey of 2756 tenth and eleventh grade students in six senior high schools (2 key schools, 2 general schools, and 2 vocational schools) in the cities of Zhengzhou and Xinyang city in Henan Province was surveyed in November 2005. Results The general drinking rate of the students is 56.5% , among whom 42.9% are occasional drinkers and 13.6% are regular drinkers. The average age at which they began drinking is 13.1 years old, 26.4% of the drinking students were heavily drunk at least once in the past year. 61.2% of students drank beer made in our country. They mostly drank at home in the holi- days. Logistic regression investigates that gender, school type, grade, pin money, study achievement, parental drinking behavior, parental attitude to the adolescent' s drinking, peer drinking behavior, peer attitude to the ado- lescent' s drinking, alcohol positive expectancy, alcohol negative expectancy, and drinking self-efficacy affect ado- lescent drinking behaviors. Conchlsilm Most of the senior high school students in two cities of Henan Province are drinkers. More attention should be paid to the phenomena.
Chinese Journal of Behavioral Medical Science
The senior high school students
Drinking rate
Alcohol expectancy