Carnegie^(TM) LIMS系统在五十八所的设计思路是在卡内基^(TM)实验室信息管理系统第三方质量检测中心标准版的基础上,定制开发符合客户特殊要求的实验室信息管理系统。该系统实现了分别处理对内(以抽样产品为核心)和对外(以检测合同为核心)的检测任务、灵活方便的自定义检测流程、下达检测任务、内嵌行业检测标准、编辑检测模版、数据录入、合同结算和数据统计等功能,由于采用了权限管理和电子签名技术,系统可以管理并追溯所有的数据操作和修改,从而确保数据的真实性。
Based on the standard edition designed for 3rd-part quality inspection center, Carnegie^TM LIMS is customized to meet the client's special requirement. The system may handle both internal ( sampling based ) and external ( contract based ) inspection task respectively. It offers flexible functions of inspection workflow customization, job assignment, embedded industry standards, template editing, data input, contract settlement, statistic analysis and etc. Authority management and digital signature manage and track all of the data operation that guarantees data authenticity.
Electronics & Packaging