在确定地空导弹对目标的可射击系数、火力重叠修正系数和转火矛盾修正系数的基础上,结合Monte Carlo法的基本原理,介绍了解决地空导弹火力分配优化问题的一般步骤。运用计算机模拟技术,通过算例,证明了该方法的可行性,为有效解决地空导弹火力分配优化问题提供了一种较为科学的方法。
Based on ascertaining the coefficient of the firing available of ground to air missile aiming at targets, as well as coefficients of the firepower overlapping amendment and the contradiction amendment during transferring fi for solving the problem of repower, optimizin combining firepower with the basic principle of Monte Carlo, a general process assignment is introduced. Then employing the technology of computer simulation, over a calculated example, this method is proved feasible, so a kind of relative scientific approach to solve this problem is provided.
Modern Defence Technology