
C^4ISR系统体系结构的重用模型及过程研究 被引量:1

Research on the Reusing Model and Process of C^4ISR System Architecture
摘要 体系结构是组成系统各部件的结构、它们之间的关系以及制约它们设计和随时间演进的原则和指南。C4ISR系统体系结构开发是一个复杂的系统工程,在体系结构开发过程中重用现有成功的设计经验,不仅可以降低体系结构开发的成本、周期,还可以提高设计的正确性、可用性。提出了一种C4ISR系统体系结构设计的可重用模型,并且研究了如何构建可重用的体系结构模型库,最后提出了基于体系结构模型重用的体系结构开发过程。 Architecture is defined as the structure of components, their relationships, and the principles and guidelines governing their design and evolution over time. The development of C4ISR system architecture is a complicated system project. It can not only reduce the cost and cycle of the architecture development, but also improve the correctness and usability of architecture. A kind of reusing model of C4ISR architecture development is advanced in the paper, and how to construct the database of reusing model is researched. Lastly, The development process of architecture based on the reusing architecture model is advanced.
机构地区 国防科技大学C
出处 《舰船电子工程》 2007年第4期5-7,共3页 Ship Electronic Engineering
关键词 C^4ISR 体系结构 体系结构开发 体系结构重用 体系结构重用模型 C4ISR,architecture,architecture development,architecture reusing,architecture reusing model
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