将啤酒废酵母制成一种新型的生物吸附剂,用于吸附重金属离子铜。研究了不同温度、时间、pH值,以及铜离子浓度和酵母浓度条件下,啤酒废酵母对Cu2+的吸附能力。初步确定了啤酒废酵母对Cu2+吸附的最佳组合,即吸附温度为35℃,吸附时间为55 min,起始pH值为5,酵母的质量浓度为1 g/L,Cu2+质量浓度为22 mg/L,在此条件下啤酒废酵母对Cu2+吸附率可达到90.00%左右。通过L16(45)正交实验表明,Cu2+质量浓度和pH值是影响啤酒废酵母吸附铜离子能力的显著因素。对吸附了铜离子的啤酒酵母进行解吸实验,表明在浓度为1 mol/L的HCl中,其解吸率为55.00%,与1 mol/L的NaOH和去离子水相比,有较高的解吸率。
The beer yeast was used as biosorbent for the biosorption of Cu^2+ for exploiting a new type of biosorbent.The biosorption action of Cu^2+ by discarded brewer's yeast was studied in different temperature,time,pH,copper ion density,yeast density condition.The optimal adsorption conditions of Cu^2+ by discarded brewer's yeast were determined at first.Adsorption temperature is 35 ℃,adsorption time is 55 min,initial pH value is 5,the mass concentration of yeast is 1 g/L and the mass concentration of Cu^2+ is 22 mg/L.Under the above conditions,the adsorption rate of Cu^2+ by discarded brewer's yeast can approximately reach to 90.00%.Orthogonal experiment shows that Cu^2+ density and pH is the notable factor that affects the biosorption action of Cu^2+ by beer discarded yeast.The desorptive experiment of discarded brewer's yeast adsorbed Cu^2+ was performed.It shows that the preferable desorbent is HCl(concentration is 1 mol/L),the desorption rate of which reach to 55.00%.Compared with NaOH(concentration is 1 mol/L)and distilled water,it has higher desorption rate.
Farm Products Processing