
学习能力与企业绩效:知识资源是中介变量吗 被引量:10

Organizational Learning Capability and Performance:Is Knowledge Resource a Mediating Factor
摘要 基于知识观和组织学习理论,本文就以下问题展开研究:其一,探讨学习能力与企业绩效之间的关系;其二,将知识资源视为影响学习能力与企业绩效的中介变量,探讨三者之间的关系;其三,考察组织内、外部学习能力对企业绩效的不同作用路径。研究结果发现,知识资源在内部学习能力与企业绩效之间扮演着部分中介的角色;而在外部学习能力与绩效之间扮演着完全中介的角色。本项研究较为深入地揭示了学习能力、知识资源与绩效之间的关系。 In recent years, corporate strategy theorists have been paying greater attention to organizational learning capability. The firm gets to know internal and external environments deeply through organizational learning, thus it can deploy internal and external resources and improve firm core competence. Using KBV and organizational learning theory, this paper explores the following issues. First, to investigate the relationship between organizational learning capability and performance; Secondly, to measure the relationship among learning capability, organizational knowledge resources and performance using knowledge as mediating factors. Thirdly, to analyze the different influence of internal and external learning capability on performance; Using data from 239 firms in China, the authors of this paper tested the hypothesis with statistical software SPSS12.0 and LISREL 8.72. Based on the test, the authors draw several conclusions: First, there is significant direct relationship between organizational internal learning capability and firm performance; Secondly, there is an indirect relationship between organizational internal learning capability and firm performance with the mediating effect of knowledge resources; Thirdly, there is a significant direct relationship between knowledge resource and firm performance, this indicates that a firm will perform better with the accumulation of knowledge resources; Fourthly, there is no significant direct relationship between organizational external learning capability and firm performance, whereas the indirect relationship between them exists with the mediating effect of knowledge resources. This indicates that only the knowledge learning from outside match with that of organizational knowledge, can it have effect on firm performance. The results make contributions to establishing learning capability evaluation system and clarifying the important role of knowledge resource in sustaining organizational competitive advantage.
作者 傅慧 付冰
出处 《南开管理评论》 CSSCI 2007年第4期23-28,共6页 Nankai Business Review
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(70472026)资助
关键词 学习能力 企业绩效 知识资源 Learning Capability Organizational Performance Knowledge Resource
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