Getting a loan from bank normally is very hard for small business companies around world and even more so in China. For many years, more and more practitioners and theorists are endeavoring to figure out this dilemma. In this paper we try to find a new way based on investigating and researching to promote the cooperation between bank and small business companies through non-government chamber of commerce. As many people find recent years that non-government chamber of commerce have developed fast in China and played more and more important role in marketing system. For bridge function they can do many things what government hard to do according to marketing rules. Based this view, cooperating with some banks, we suppose that non-government chamber of commerce can do some helps in small business finance. So supported by Tianjin Wenzhou Chamber of Commerce, we took nearly one year to visit about 500 firms whom belong to the Chamber of Commerce that located in Tianjin. All data was put into database and being analysed. We find that non-government chamber of commerce can be a trust middleman between bank and small company then to lower the loan risk for bank and help small companies to get what they need. Also as members of the chamber they trust the chamber and banks also happy in making the process easy and centralized companies. This is one way suitable for the present situation in China and can be benefitial to every part who involved in. May be, this would be one of the ways that can wide the bottleneck of small business financing.
Nankai Business Review
Non-governmental Chamber of Commerce
Middleman of Trust
Small Business Financing