目的对成都市青羊区54年传染病发病趋势进行分析,为政府部门制定防治策略提供科学依据。方法收集全区历年传染病疫情报告资料,用描述流行病学方法进行分析。结果1953-2006年全区传染病报告发病率波动在156.35/10万4 750.95/10万之间。从1979年开始,传染病发病率呈明显下降的态势,1994-2006年传染病发病率控制在300/10万左右。趋势检验(P<0.01),差异有统计学意义。20世纪50-60年代发病居前位的麻疹、百日咳、疟疾在2000年以后已下降到急性传染病的后几位或连续10年未发病。2000年以来性病、痢疾、结核、肝炎、猩红热居传染病发病的前5位。传染病的传播途径从50年代以呼吸道和肠道为主到2000年后以血源及性传播疾病为主。结论1953-2006年间成都市青羊区传染病发病率呈明显下降。传染病谱发生了改变,结核和血源及性传播传染病已成为该区的主要传染病。新发传染病不断出现,使得传染病的防治面临更加严重的形势。
Objective To analyze the epidemic trend of infectious diseases in the past 54 years at Qingyang District, Chengdu City, and to provide a scientific basis for health administrative departments formulating preventive and therapeutic strategies. Method Data on the epidemic reports of infectious diseases over the 54 years were collected and analyzed by using descriptive epidemiological methods. Results The reported incidence rate fluctuated between 156. 35/10^5 and 4 750. 95/10^5 from 1953 to 2006 at Qingyang Distract. The rate was in a linear decrease from 1979. Since 1994, the situation had remained 300/10^5. Measles, chincough and malaria prevailed from 1950s to 1960s, and since 2000, these diseases hardly could be found. The mean annual incidence of venereal disease, dysentery, tuberculosis, hepatitis and scarlatina fell into the top five in list of all infectious diseases since 2000. Overt changes in the route of transmission of infectious diseases took place since 1950s, from predominant enteric and respiratory infectious diseases to prevailing blood-borne infectious diseases and sexually transmitted diseases. Conclusion The incidence rate of infectious diseases has remained in a stable state since 1994, at Qingyang Distract, Chengdu City. The spectrum of infectious diseases has changed. Tuberculosis, blood-borne infectious and sexually transmitted diseases have been the main infectious diseases. With newly infectious diseases growing up, the prevention and treatment of infectious diseases should be reinforced.
Parasitoses and Infectious Diseases
infectious disease
epidemiological feature
epidemic trend