Geographical Location: Its location is between the east longitude of 113°40′~116°20′and the north latitude of 38°10′~40°.It is bounded by Shanxi Province in the west,adjacent to Beijing and Zhangji- akou City in the north,adjacent to the City of Langfang and Cangzhou in the east,and contiguous to the City of Shijiazhuang and Hengshui in the south.
Energy saving,emission reduction and economic development are major issues China has to meet in building a harmonious society.On one hand,China should pursue a sustainable,fast and sound economic development,on the other hand,she should try to decrease the overuse of energy resources and the environ- mental problems caused by the rapid economic growth. In this regard,on June 24,the Standing Committee of National People's Congress deliberated the draft of Energy Saving Law,according to which China is to take'resources saving'as a basic national policy.This is a key issue to the long-term benefits of China.With relevant questions,China's Foreign Trade interviewed Dr, Yonglong L(?),Secretary-general,Chinese Committee for SCOPE(Scientific Committee on Problems of the Environment/ICSU).and Research Professor at the Chinese Academy of Sciences. Let's listen to Dr.L(?)'s comments with wisdom.