分析了REBULF LDMOS的实验结果,由击穿电压的测试结果验证了模拟仿真中发现的漏电流增加源于n+浮空层的作用,但暴露于表面的n+p结的漏电流使击穿电压降低.为了解决这个问题,文中分析了具有部分n+浮空层的REBULF LDMOS结构,此结构不但具有降低体内电场的REBULF效应,而且终止于源端体内的n+p结解决了文献[10]中的大漏电流问题.分析结果表明,击穿电压较一般RESURF LDMOS结构提高60%以上.
The results of an experiment on REBULF LDMOS are analyzed. The increased leakage current is due to the n^+ - floating layer, as proved by the test results of breakdown voltage. However, the breakdown voltage decreases as a result of the leakage current of the n ^+ p junction being exposed to the surface. In order to resolve this problem,a REBULF LDMOS with a partial n^+ -floating layer is proposed for the first time. An effective REBULF is obtained using this structure, and the large leakage current of Ref. [-10] is eliminated by an inner n^+ p junction around the source. The results show that the breakdown voltage is increased by 60% in comparison with traditional RESURF LDMOS.