Unilateral frontal cortex lesioned rats receiving fetal neocortex transplantation were examined with power spectrum analysis and topographic mapping of EEG referenced to as brain electrical activity mapping (BEAM). In lesioned side, the value of delta+theta/alpha+beta(DT/AB) were significantly higher than those of the control side ( P <0 05), and there are no differences between 3 days , 2 weeks , 4 weeks, and 2 months lesioned rats. Fetal cortex tissue were grafted into the lesioned cortex of rats 2 weeks post lesion. After two or five months survival period, host animals were received another two times power spectrum analysis. The values of DT/AB in lesioned side were already similar to the healthy side ( P >0 05) either in 2 or 5 months survival rats. The morphological observations found that the grafts in the lesioned cortex were survival well in the host animals, but the extent of the graft area was larger in rats with equal values of DT/AB at bilateral sides. Injection of fast blue (FB) and diamidino yellow (DY) into the host contralateral cortex and ipsilateral thalamus were carried respectively in animals with equal value of (DT/AB) at bilateral sides. Scattered FB and DY labeled neurons were seen in the grafts. The density of the labeled neurons in graft areas were lower than those of labeled cells in the host cortex surrounding the transplants. The presence of callosal and thalamic projections from graft to host suggest that reconstruction of damaged neural circuity is possible. NADPH d histochemistry results showed that NADPH d positive fibers extended from graft to host and host′s NADPH d positive neurons proiected its processes into the graft area. Indicate the integration of tissues between host and graft.These suggest that the neural transplantation might induce sufficient functional effects in curing the brain injury and the power spectral analysis may be a good method for investigating the function of central nervous system.
Acta Anatomica Sinica
Lesioned cortex
Fetal brain transplantation
Brain electrical activity mapping (BEAM)