
地质灾害数据共享模式研究 被引量:4

Data Sharing Pattern of the Geological Hazard
摘要 中国地质灾害种类多、分布广、频次高、强度大、灾情严重、直接和间接的经济损失巨大。近几年,由于西部大开发步伐的推进,泥石流、滑坡等自然因素和人为因素诱发的地质灾害呈上升趋势。如何科学合理地构架地质灾害数据共享平台,从而利用该平台提供的共享和互操作机制来预测、预警、评价和治理各种地质灾害也就成为当务之急。笔者就此提出了整合WebGIS、Ajax、ESML和数据网格技术的地质灾害数据共享平台的设计方案。 In China, there are a great variety of geological hazards which are widely distributed, in high magnitude, and happen frequently bringing serious damages and huge direct and indirect economic losses. In recent years, because of the fast development of the western region, natural and human factor caused geological hazards such as the debris flow, land slide and so on are happened more frequently. Under such a situation, it is urgent for us to construct scientifically and rationally the geological hazard data sharing platform, and utilize the data sharing and interoperation mechanism provided by this platform to predict, deliver early warning, evaluate and control all kinds of geological hazards. The author of this paper brings forward the scheme of the geological hazard data sharing platform which integrates the WebGIS, Ajax, ESML and data grid techniques.
出处 《国土资源信息化》 2007年第2期11-14,6,共5页 Land and Resources Informatization
关键词 地质灾害 数据共享 互操作 WEBGIS AJAX 数据网格:ESML Geological hazard Data sharing Interoperation WebGIS Ajax Data grid ESML
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