
基于非线性测度的机器人抓取动态稳定性 被引量:1

Dynamic stability of robotic multi-fingered grasping based on nonlinear measure
摘要 为了研究多指手机器人非线性抓取系统的动态稳定性,引入了l2-范数下非线性算子测度;证明了非线性算子测度类似于矩阵测度对线性系统平衡点唯一性的作用,可以用来分析非线性系统平衡点的唯一性和稳定性;应用非线性测度得到了多指手机器人抓取的动态稳定性,抓取系统靠近抓取平衡点的收敛速度及平衡点吸引域的估计;最后应用抓取实例验证了所得结论。结果表明,可以通过调节抓取系统参数使得抓取指数渐近稳定。 By l^2 -norm, the nonlinear measure is introduced to analyze the dynamic stability of robotic multi-fingered grasping. It is proved that it is similar to the use of matrix measure for linear system, the nonlinear measure can be used to study the uniqueness and stability of nonlinear system equilibrium point so as to study the stability of robotic multi-fingered grasping. With this method, the attraction regions are estimated and the approaching speed of equilibrium point is described. A grasping model is developed to verify the proposed theorem effective. The result shows that the grasping can be exponentially stable by adjusting the grasp parameters. 1 fig, 7 refs.
出处 《长安大学学报(自然科学版)》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第4期103-106,共4页 Journal of Chang’an University(Natural Science Edition)
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(10271093)
关键词 控制工程 非线性测度 抓取系统 动态稳定性 LIAPUNOV函数 control engineering nonlinear measure grasping system dynamic stability Liapunov function
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