本文记述了山旺中中新世鲤科鱼类6属9种,其中5属6种为新发现;还记述了河南始新世一新属种;订正了Barbus linchiiensis, Barbus scotti, Pseudorasbora, macrocephala和Leuciscus miocenicus的系统位置。本文认为鲤类在中国最早出现于始新世,此后鱼类区系曾发生过较大的演替。前人订为现生属的始新世、中新世鲤类化石绝大部分应为已绝灭的化石属。
Cyprinidae fossils from Middle Miocene of Shanwang basin., Shandong, were first described by professor Young C. C. and Tchang L. T. in 1963. Since then. a large collection has been accumulated. It is necessary to make further research for these fossils. By means of investigation, this will help to find out the origin of Cyprinidae and its geographical distribution.
The materials described in this paper are referred to 4 Subfamilies (Gobioninae, Danioninae, Leuciscinae, Cyprininae) 6 genera, 9 species. Of them Barbus linchiiensis, Barbus scotti, Pseudorasbora macrocephala and Leuciscus miocenicus previously established by Young C. C. and Tchang L. T. 1936 are revised.
For purposes of comparison and discussion, Palaeogobio zhongyuanensis gen. et sp. nov. from Eocene of Henan also are described in this paper.
Some re-examination and comment are also made for: Pseudorasbora changtsunense Liu et Su 1962. Leuciscus tchangi liu et Su 1962, from Pliocene of shansi; Cyprinus maomingensis Liu 1957, from Eocene-Oligocene of Guangdong; Osteochilus from Eocene of Hunan and Cyprinidae fossils from Eocene of Sanshui basin, Guangdong.
In addition, brief reviews for Cyprinidae geographic distribution from Tertiary of China are carried out.
Discription of the specimens
Lucyprinus gen. nov.
Type species Barbus linchiiensis Young et Tchang, 1936.
Diagnosis Body fusiform. Head moderate size. Mouth terminal and mouth gape obligue. Parietals not separated by supraoccipital. Dorsal fin behind or opposite pelvic fin. Dorsal rays Ⅳ-Ⅲ, 10. Anal rays Ⅲ. 5. Both dorsal and Anal fin with a serrated spine. Pectoral rays about 11. Pelvic branched rays about 8—11. Candal forked and branched rays 17. Lateral line scale 28, through the middle of trunk Scales cycloid. Pharyngeal teeth three rows, teeth comparatively small, the first tooth of the main row being subconicala or pillar-like, (fig I. A, B), the other teeth being submolar, broad and anteroposteriorly compressed (Fig. 1 C). The grinding surface smooth, with weak tips on its lateral.
species Lucyprinus linchiiensis (Young et Tchang), 1936
Lucyprinus scotti (Young et Tchang), 1936
Platyeyprinus gen. nov.
Type species Platycyprinus mirabilis gen. et sp. nov.
Diagnosis body deep fusiform. Head short and deep. Frontals and parietals short and broad. Parietals not separated by supraoccipital. Orbits small. Mouth terminal. Mouth gape small and obligue. Dorsal fin behind or opposite Pelvic fin. Dorsal rays Ⅳ. 11. Anal rays Ⅲ. 5, Both dorsal and Anal fin with a serrated spine. Pectoral fin with about 15 branched rays. Pelvic with about 11 branched rays. Peduncle short and deep. Lateral line scales 21—22, through the middle of trunk. Candal slightly forked. Scales cycloid. Pharyngeal teeth submolar, broad and compressed. The frinding surface smooth, with weak tips on its lateral.
Qicyprinus gen. nov.
Type species Qicyprinus shanwangensis gen. et sp. nov.
Diagnosis Body elongate fusiform. Mouth terminal. Rostrum slightly acute. Dorsal fin slightly behind Pelvic fin. Dorsal rays Ⅲ. 11. Anal rays Ⅲ. 5. both dorsal and anal fin with a serrated spine. Peduncle elongate. Candal deeply forked. Lateral line scales about 27.
Pharyngeal teeth relatively small, submolar and very compressed, with convex anteriorly and concave posteriorly (Fig. 1 D). The grinding surface oblique, with or not weak tips on its lateral.
Gnathopogon macrocephala (Young et Tchang), 1936.
Type species Pseudorasbora macrocephala Young et Tchang 1936
Diagnosis Body small and elongate. Back edge straight. Mouth terminal. Frontals narrow and elongate.
Parietals square and relatively narrow than the frontals, Parietals not separated by supraoccipital. Orbits moderate size, with supraorbital. Mouth gape small. Maxilla with palatinaI process. Premaxillary with rostral process. Palatine elongate. Origin of dorsal fin opposite or before that of the pelvic. Dorsal rays Ⅲ. 7. Anal rays Ⅲ. 6. Both dorsal fin and anal fin no spine. Pectoral with about 10—13 branched rays. Pelvic fin with about 7—8 branched rays. Vertebrae 34. Candal forked. The end of the lower and upper candal lobe slightly round.
The standard length contained in the depth 4 times, in head length 3, in head depth 3.4, and in Peduncle length 5, in Peduncle depth 7.6. The head length contained in the eye length 3 times, in peduncle lenth 1.6 and in peduncle depth 2.6. The peduncle are about 1.5 times as deep as long. Pharyngeal teeth 2 rows, tooth conical and compressed anteroposteriorly. The grinding surface embowed concave, broad and smooth, with recurved posteriorly tips.
Gnathopogon shanwangensis sp. nov.
Diagnosis As for genus. Body small and elongate fusiform. Back and ventral straight. Mouth terminal rostrum acute. Mouth terminal and mouth gape small. Peduncle rather elongate. Origin of dorsal fin is nearer to the candal fin base than to the rostum. Origin of anal fin is nearer to that of pelvic fin than to the candal fin base than, to the rostrum. Origin of anal fin is nearer to that of pelvic fin than the candal fin base.
Depth is length to base of candal 5.9 Head depth 5.1 Peduncle length 5.3. Eye in head length 3.4. Peduncle are 2.2—2.7 time as deep as long.
Palaeogobio gen. nov.
Type species Palaeogobio zhongyuanensis gen. et sp. nov.
Diagnosis Bady elongate fusiform. Head moderate size. Mouth terminal. Mouth gape small. Rostrum acute. Dorsal fin opposite the pelvic fin. Dorsal with 7 branched rays. Anal with 6 branched rays. Peduncle deep. Candal forked.
Pharyngeal teeth three rows, teeth conical and compressed anteroposteriorly, with sharply recurved tips. The grinding surface narrow and smooth.
Plesioleuciscus gen. nov.
Type species Leuciscus miocenicus Young et Tchang 1936
Diagnosis body fusiform. Mouth terminal. Mouth gape small Premaxilla with roustal process. Lower jaw protruding slightly beyond upper jaw. Dentary with rather narrow coronoid process. Dorsal slightly behind the pelvic. Dorsal rays Ⅲ. 7. Anal rays Ⅲ. 8. Pectoral rays Ⅱ 13—15. Vertebrate 34. The neural arches of the second and third vertebrate, and the neural spine of the third vertebrae all expanded into broad plates. The neural spine of the fifth vertera elongate, with well-developed stout parapaphysis. One epural. 4 hypurals. Candal forked. Candal with branched rays 15. 16 or 17. Scales cycloid.
Pharyngeal teeth three rows. Teeth small and conical, more or less compressed anteroposteriorly, with recurved blunt tips. The grinding surface narrow, obliqne and smooth.
Species Plesioleuciscus miocenicus (Young et Tchang), 1936
Plesioleuciscus nitidus gen. et sp. nov.
Miheichthys gen. nov.
Type species Miheichtys shandongensis gen. et sp. nov.
Diagnosis Body small and deep. Head large. Fontals broad and short. Parietals and Orbits large. Mouth terminal. Mouth gape quite obligue. Dorsal fin between the pelvic and the pectoral fin. Dorsal rays Ⅲ. 8. Anal rays Ⅱ. 9. Vertebrae 30. Candal forked. Pharyngeal teeth three rows. Teeth small and conicoid, with slightly recurved tips. The grinding surface narrow and oblique.
1. the members of the Middle Miocene Cyprinidae (except. Palaeogobio zhongyuanensis gen. et sp. nov.) of Shanwang distinctively differ from all known living cyprinids in vertebra number, body size and pharyngeal teeth shape. Therefore these fossil fishes are an extinct fauna and represent a primitive cyprinids.
2. The earliest fossil Cyprinidae occurs in Eocene in China, including 5 subfamilies—Barbinae. Gobioniae, Cyprininae, Leuciscinae Danioninae. For this reason it is considered as the evidence that the original area of cyprinids is probably in Eastern Asia before Early Tertiary.
3. During Miocene and Early Tertiary most of Cyprinidae were extinct forms and at that time Pseudorasbora and Leuciscus were not discovered in China.
4. the genus—Osteochilus is questionable and it probably belongs to the other primitive member of Cyprinids. Its interrelationship needs to be reviewed through further work. therefore. we consider that Barbinae is not the most primitive subfamily of Cyprinidae.
5. the earliest fossil Cyprinus discovered from Pliocene of China. It shows that Cyprinus is probably derived from a primitive member of cyprinids, which bear relationship with Cyprinae of Shanwang basin.
In China the Cyprinidae of the Miocene and Pliocene is quite similar to that of Japan, at the level of Subfamilies (Cyprininae, Abramidinae, Xenocyprininae, Gobioninae, Hypophthalmichthyinae) and even genera of Cyprininae.The Cyprinidae fossils of Japan distribute the coastal region. All those facts indicate that many freshwater basins of China was connected with that of Japan during late Tertiary and Japanese Cyprinidae was migrated from Asia during Early Miocene.
The Miocene Cyprininae and Leuciscinae of China are similar to that of Bohemia Ankara France and Germany, at the level of genera. It is considered as an evidence—Europe and Asia was connected during Miocene.
Vertebrata Palasiatica