目的 分析4441例住院患儿肿瘤性疾病的分布特点.方法 统计1993年1月~2004年12月我院信息科病案首页资料数据库按ICD-10标准登记18岁以下首次住院检出的肿瘤患儿,分析各肿瘤性疾病的顺位及构成比;患儿的年龄及性别特点;肿瘤性疾病在全年住院儿童中的检出率,比较各年度检出率的变化规律及发展趋势.结果 12年内共检出各类肿瘤患儿4441例,男女之比1.4:1,恶性、良性及动态未定肿瘤之比为0.24:0.7:0.06;良性软组织肿瘤是儿童最常见的良性肿瘤;恶性肿瘤中以淋巴、造血系统和有关组织肿瘤占首位,其次为起源于胚胎组织的神经母细胞瘤;不同瘤种患儿的年龄和性别有一定的特点,14岁以上的儿童患肿瘤明显减少.各年度肿瘤的检出率相对稳定,较接近平均水平(1.45%),近两年来患病绝对数和检出率有小幅增加.结论 儿童患肿瘤性疾病有别于成人的自身特点,儿童以良性肿瘤居多,其中以血管瘤居首位;儿童恶性肿瘤以白血病为最多;儿童动态未定和未知肿瘤以颅内及椎管内肿瘤占首位;近年来14岁以内儿童肿瘤有增多趋势.
Objective To analysis retrospectively the character ot tumor distribution in 4441 cases from 1993 to 2004 in our hospital. Methods 4441 cases who were retrieved from the files of the Department of the Medical Chives which the diagnosis of tumor in the person younger than 18 years was based on the ICD-10 criteria (International Statistical Classification of Disease and Related Health Problem). To analysis the“ characteristics of the proportion, rank, age and gender distribution in the sorted tumors for each year and to compare them the trends alterations. Results 4441 cases were detected tumor. Male vs female was 4 : 1 and malignant vs benign vs unascertained tumors were 0. 24 : 0. 7 : 0. 06 ; the benign soft-tissue tumor was the most common tumor in childhood, of which the blood vessel tumor was at the first place. Leukemia and the cancers derived from lymphoid and myeloid resources were at the leading rank of malignant, while the neuroblastoma which derived from embryogenesis was followed. The craniocerebral and spinal tumor were the most common ones in the unascertainable or/and the under diagnosis category. The cases decreased aged up to 14 years. There was no significantly alteration of incident rate for cancers from year to year which was near the average rate ( 1.45% ) while there has the increasing trends of the incident rates in recent years. Conclusion The type of tumor was different between children and adults. We found that carcinoids (for example, angioma which was themost common benigh tumor) were much more than malignant tumor (for example, leucoeythemia) in children, and encephalic tumor or spinal tumors were often diagnosised as unascertained one. In conclusion, tumor in children aged down to 14 years old became more than last years.
Journal of China Pediatric Blood and Cancer