White (19p0) proposed a tentative scheme of zonationrnaruneDevonian sediments) of Anglo-Welsharea based onof the Old Red Sandstone (non-the ranges of vertebrate fossils尸a(Fig. 1).Thezonation has served in factasstandard for the orrelation of Devonian con-tinental depositvertebrate fossilsin Europe and N. Ametiea. Noa-marine Devonian sediments ncluding richareryes rn some measurevery widespread in China. The Upper, Middle and Lower Devonianoccur in different areas. he Lower Devonian are mainly distributedE. YunnanYrsnnanolepirN. America.and Guangxi,etc.(Fig. 2),yielding rich endemic fauna ith Polybranclaiaspis, Ezrgaleas pis andbut devoid of common forms of Lower Devonian of Europe andTherefore, the correlation etween Chinese Lower Devonian continental depositand the Anglo-Welsh Lower. Old Red Sandstone xs difficult to useLianhuashan ormation of Guangxi, equivalent to Xitun Formation vertebrate fossilsof Yunnan, may beas Late GedinnianAnd the Xishancunto arly Siegeniarir `based chiefly onoverlyingFormation may be dated as Early and .the Polybranchiaspid fossils invertebrates f heand Middle Gedinniannnof underlying stratain the sectionof work of Elliott (1984) and Janvier (1985), a tentative orrelation(Fig. 2).of fossilinvertebratesOn the basisvertebrate ho-rizons of Lower Devonian in the world is given (Table L). ince Givetian, the distribution of fish-bearing strata has extended to Hunan, Guangdong,Jiangxi, Hubei, Jiangsu as well as ingxia province (Autonomous regions). The fish faunaretained definite endemic elements, on山e other hand, a few cosmopolitan orms, such as Re-migolepis, occurred in the fauna, too. lZem份olepis is a genus occurred in Famennian of E.Greenland, Europe nd Australia. In China, Remigolepis is found in the same horizon (Ta-ble 2). Botlzriolepis, Remigolepis, Phyllolepis and roenlandaspis are common fishes in theLate Devonian. The stratigraphical ranges of the fossils may be summarized as ollows. 1) The ranges of P/zyllolepis and Groenlandaspis are restricted within the Upper Devonian;and Remigolepis within amennian. 2) Jarvi2c (1961) proposed stratigraphical division and sequence in Greenland, Groenlnn-daspis, Remigolepis and lzyllolepis series in descending order, which are not of globalextent, but only a local case. $ased on above, a orrelation of the Upper Devonian fish fossil horizons in the world issummarized as in Table 3.
Vertebrata Palasiatica
Non-marine Devonian System
Stratigraphic correlation