The measnrment of the three dimension sikciure of the stomech in cavitas abdominic thirty one adult cadavers (male: 22,female:9)were used in this experimant. We cut them at the median incision on the anterior gastica Waell. According to the shapes of the stomach,we took five point on each of them,and showed A.B.C.D. E them the demeusion distance of each point Was measured. The result showed that the highest data Was Bl ,av-erage three point seven nine in the male.it was Al,average three point seven five in the female The lowest data Was B2,average one poivt nine five in the male. The lowest data was A2, average one point zero nine.
This provide referent date for the difination of cuting line of Hofmeister gastroplication in the clinical.
Journal of Regional Anatomy and Operative Surgery