
PMMA的微孔发泡工艺研究 被引量:1

Experimental Investigation on Microcellular Foaming Process of PMMA
摘要 文章对超临界CO2/PMMA体系进行了静压条件下的发泡成型工艺研究。重点考察了升温法和降压法对PMMA发泡性能和泡孔结构的影响。试验结果表明:升温法和降压法对聚合物的发泡性能有不同的影响。当表观密度相同时,升温法得到的平均泡孔直径小,泡孔密度大,但泡孔直径分布不均匀,降压法得到的泡孔直径大、泡孔密度低,但直径分布相对均匀。 The foaming process of super-critical carbon dioxide/PMMA was studied at static pressure. The effect of foaming method on the foaming properties and cell structure were investigated by elevated temperature method and decompressed method. The results showed that different methods had different effect on foaming properties. In the case of producing foamed plastics had the same apparent density, the cell structure was different by using different method. Although the average cell size was small and cell density was large, the distribution of cell size wasn' t uniform. In the decompressed method,although average cell size was large and cell density was small, the distribution of cell size was uniform.
出处 《塑料》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第4期63-67,37,共6页 Plastics
基金 北京市科技新星计划资助(2005B16)
关键词 微孔聚合物 表观密度 泡孔密度 microcellular foam apparent density cell density
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