5参见 Higher Education in American Society, Edited by Philip. G. Altbach. Robert O. Berdahl, and Patricia J.Gumport,published 1994. by Prometheus Books,P12.
7U.S.Office of the President, The Economic Report of the president (Washington, D.C. 1995),p. 274.
8U.S.Department of Education, Digest of Education Statistics 1996, p. 335, p. 333.
9Stevn Gold, State Spending Patterns in the 1990s (Alhany: Conter for the Study of the States, SUNY, 1995), pp.23-31.
10Edward Hines. State Higher Education Appropriations 1995-96 (Denver: State Higher Education Execotive Officers, 1996), This figure does not include local property taxes appropriated for hgher education.