
欧洲化及其对成员国政治的影响 被引量:6

The Europeanization and its Impact on the Politics in the Member States of EU
摘要 欧洲化已经成为近年来欧洲研究领域十分重要的学术议题,它意味着欧盟框架下成员国国内政治制度与政策的调整与变化。欧洲化正以不同的途径和方式影响着欧盟成员国的政治,它不仅引发成员国诸多政策领域的欧洲化,而且导致其中央政府部门之间、部门内部部长与官员之间关系的变化,推动成员国政府机构不断调整决策方式,地方政府也出现了谋求更多自主权的趋势。 Europeanization has become a very important academic issue in the field of Europe research,which means the adjustment and change of political system and policy of member states in the framework of the European Union.Europeanization has been influencing the politics of member states of European Union in different ways and paths.It has not only resulted in the Europeanization of many policy fields of member states,but also led to the changes of relations among the central government departments on one hand,and between the ministers and officials inside the departments on the other.It also has pushed the member states to improve the patterns of policy-making,and the trend of searching for more automation has been gradually developed in the local governments.
作者 吴志成 王霞
出处 《欧洲研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2007年第4期38-52,共15页 Chinese Journal of European Studies
基金 教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地重大项目(项目批准号:06JJD770016) 教育部"新世纪优秀人才支持计划"项目(项目编号:NCET050238)的阶段成果
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  • 10Vivien A. Schmidt," Europeanization and the Mechanics of Economics Policy Adjustment", Journal of European Public Policy, December 2002, p. 895.



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