目的探讨营养危险评分量表(nutrition risk score,NRS)的预测效果、与传统营养指标的关系、NRS分值的影响因素以及对住院老年患者营养危险程度评估工作中的价值。方法对80名住院老年患者进行营养危险评分,同时收集人体测量学指标、实验室指标以及患者的基本资料。结果根据NRS量表与营养不良标准的ROC曲线分析,NRS量表能对营养不良进行预测;按照NRS分组,除总蛋白、球蛋白、血红蛋白和淋巴细胞数的NRS 4组无显著性差异,其余营养指标各组间均有显著性差异;NRS量表内5个项目中对其总分影响最大的为体质指数。结论NRS的分组有良好的可靠性,能较好地评估住院老年患者营养问题危险程度,值得护理人员的临床运用以及早发现老年患者的营养危险问题。
Objective To explore the efficiency of nutrition risk scale (NRS),the relation between NRS and traditional nutritional markers, the influencing factors of NRS,and the value of NRS in assessing the nutritional risk status of the hospitalized elder patients. Methods Eighty hospitalized elder patients were measured by NRS. The anthropometry markers, nutritional biochemistry markers,and other general data of patients were also collected. Results According to the NRS and malnutrition standard ROC curve analysis, NRS could forecast malnutrition. There were marked differences on anthropometry, biochemistry markers (except for total protein, globulin, hemoglobin, and lymphocyte) among the 4 NRS groups. Among the 5 items in NRS,body mass index had the greatest influence on NRS. Conclusion NRS is reliable for assessing the nutritional risk status of the aged patients and it is worth popularizing in clinical detection of the nutritional problems in the elderly.
Nursing Journal of Chinese People's Liberation Army