
我国今后工程师分类框架设计 被引量:5

A Framework Design of the Future Engineer Classification of China
摘要 英国模式和美国模式是国际上两种典型的注册工程师制度模式,世界上一些经济发达国家已经建立了以注册工程师制度为基础的工程师资格互认协议,这些国际工程师协议以受教育程度、工作经验、资格考试、继续教育一致性为基础。国家人事部在不同的阶段实行过多种工程师管理制度,为适应我国经济发展做了有益的尝试,在试行执业资格注册制度方面也已经进行了多年富有成效的探索,积累了较丰富的经验。文章认为我国新的工程师专业分类的原则主要是:既符合我国国情又能与国际接轨。我国工程师专业分类应在与国际工程师互认的基础性原则相一致的前提下,充分考虑我国现有工程师专业分类情况,尽可能与国际工程师专业分类融合,根据其是否直接涉及社会公众利益和公民生命财产安全,我国新的工程师专业可分为注册和非注册两大类。在借鉴英美国家工程师专业分类的同时,结合我国国情,通过尽可能不重复、不遗漏的综合我国现有一系列职业分类与学科分类代码表,我国工程技术人员按专业可以分成35类,有个别大类可以在大类的基础上再分若干亚类,并提出根据工程师分类构筑工程管理师认证体系的建议。 The UK pattern and the USA pattern have been acknowledged internationally as the typical certified engineer patterns. A few deVeloped countries have already established the mutual acceptance agreement on engineer qualification on the basis of the engineer system. The consistency of engineers' educational background, working experience , qualification examination and further education are regarded as the basis of these international engineer agreements. The Personnel Ministry of China has carried out various engineer management systems in different stages, which are beneficial to the economic growth of the country, and the Personnel Ministry has also done years of fruitful explorations and obtained rich experience in the trial implementation of qualifi system. The authors think that the main principle of China' s new engineer specialty classification is to cation logon accord with its national conditions and be in line with the international conventions. China' s engineer specialty classification should be fused with the international engineer specialty classification, consistent with the basic principle of the international engineer mutual identification and its own present engineer specialty classification situation. According to whether the specialty relates to the social and public benefit and the citizen security of life and property, the new engineer specialty can be classified into two categories: registered engineers and non-registered engineers. Drawing on the experience of UK and USA engineer specialty classifications, synthesizing China' s present situation, and summarizing a series of the current occupation classifications and the code table of discipline classification, the Chinese engineers can be classified into thirty-five categories according to specialties . Certain categories can be further divided into several sub-categories. Suggestions about constructing EMC are provided.
机构地区 中南大学
出处 《中国工程科学》 2007年第8期15-20,共6页 Strategic Study of CAE
基金 中国工程院"我国今后工程师专业分类研究及方案"项目资助(2005 8)
关键词 中国 工程师专业分类 注册工程师制度 国际工程师互认协议 China classification of engineers' occupation certified engineer system mutual acceptance agreement of international engineers
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