针对难处理垃圾渗滤液,详细研究了微波/Fenton化学氧化/混凝工艺及其之间的协同作用。结果表明,该法能有效处理高浓度垃圾渗滤液,在H2O2和Fe2+用量分别为3.0g.L-1和0.12g.L-1,混凝剂PMSi用量为40mg.L-1,微波功率800W,共辐射2m in的最佳条件下,浊度、色度和CODCr去除率分别高达98.02%、97.33%和89.91%。
Synergistic action on landfill leachate treatment by microwave irradiation and chemical oxidation and coagulation process was studied. The results showed that it is viable to treat landfill leachate with complicated compositions. The removal rates of turbidity, chromaticity and CODCr reached to 98.02%, 97.33% and 89.91% respectively under the optimal conditions that the concentration of H2O2, Fe^2+ and PMSi were 3.0 g/l, 0. 12 g/l and 40 g/l respectively and microwave irradiation power was 800W with 2 minutes radiation time.
Environmental Science Survey