伽利略系统是欧洲自主的、独立的全球多模式卫星定位导航系统,其可提供高精度、高可靠性的定位服务,同时可实现完全非军方控制、管理。文中利用GSSF V2.0软件模拟出Galileo系统的全球范围的卫星可见性、GDOP、TDOP、PDOP、HDOP、VDOP值,并对其进行了分析。
Galileo system is a global, multi-mode satellite position and navigation system, which is developed and self-governed by Europe. The system can provide position service with high accuracy and high reliability, At the same time, it is completely controlled and managed by European Community, not by army. In this paper, the Satellite visuability,GDOP value, TDOP value, PDOP value, HDOP value, VDOP value in global scope have been simulated with the software GSSF V2.0 and analyzed.
Engineering of Surveying and Mapping