采用DB-5 30m×0.32mm×0.25μm的毛细管色谱柱,用七种不同的色谱条件,选择出一种能完全分离20种芳香胺的气相色谱测定方法,同时还对样品前处理条件进行了探索,旨在简便可行、少用或不用叔丁基甲醚。样品处理采用液-液直接萃取,在有标准参照物的情况下,GC-FID能对20种芳香胺进行定性定量测定,特别适合于一般实验室的常规分析。
GC-FID is introduced to separation and detertuination of 20 arylamines in azo dyes. The capi1lary chro-matographic co1umn used is DB-- 5 30m X 0. 32mm X 0. 25pm. 7 varied chromatograPhic conditoins has tried to choose one can completly separate 20 arylamines at the same time on the 30m column. The selected one is1 70C M 190C (8.i.)--210C (1 drin )M2 6 0 C (5 min ). Sample i8 pretreated directl y b y l iquid -- 1iq-uid extraction method. The limit of detection of GC--FID is < 1ppm.
China Dyeing and Finishing