
英国中小学学科领导人的职权与素质研究 被引量:4

A Study of the Responsibility,Power and Quality of Subject Leaders in England and Wales
摘要 英国学科领导人以管理者、领导者、专业人员以及协调者等角色在学科领导、教学、教师专业发展和利用资源等方面担负着重要职责。为了更好地开展工作,他们需要具备知识、能力和态度等方面的素质。英国《国家学科领导人标准》以及英国学科领导人的发展现状对我国教研组长的发展与研究有所借鉴。 The subject leaders in England and Wales were considered as leaders, managers, professors and coordinators. They undertake significant responsibilities, such as subject leadership, teaching and learning, staff professional development and utility of all kinds of resources. In order to achieve the quality of teaching and learning,they need subject knowledge,skill and attitudes. The National Standards of Subject Leaders and the practice of subject leaders can inspire the development and study of the head of subject in China.
作者 张秀荣
出处 《比较教育研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2007年第8期86-90,共5页 International and Comparative Education
基金 北京市教育科学"十一五"规划重点课题(课题批准号:AIA06136)"北京市中学教研组长职责与素质研究"成果之一
关键词 英国 中小学 学科领导人 职权 素质 《学科领导人国家标准》 England and Wales subject leaders National standards for Subject Leaders responsibilityand right of subject leaders quality of subject leaders
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  • 2Linda Hammersley-Fletcher and Mark Brundrett. Leaders on Leadership: the Impressions of Primary School Head Teachers and Subject leaders. School leadership & management, 2005,25 ( 1 ) : 59-75.
  • 3Linda Hammersley-Fletcher. Becoming a Subject Leader: What's in a Name? Subject Leadership in English Primary School. School Leadership & Management,2002,22 ( 4 ): 407-420.
  • 4Teacher Trainning Agency(1998). National Standards for Subject Leaders.London: TTA.
  • 5Kit Field, Phil Holden,Hugh Lawlor.Effective Subject Leadership.London ; New York : Routledge, 2000.74,204.
  • 6Derek Glover,David Miller. As others See Us:Senior Management and Subject Staff Perceptions of the Work Effectiveness of Subject Leaders in Secondary Schools.School Leadership & Management, 1999,19(3) : 331-345.
  • 7Derek Glover,David Miller. The Working Day of the Subject Leader and the Impact of Interruption on the Teaching and Learning in Secondary Schools.Research in Education. 1999,62( 11 ) : 55-65.
  • 8Alma Harris and Hugh Busher and Christine Wise. Effective Training for Subject Leaders. Journal of In-Service Education, 2001,27( 1 ) : 83-94.










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