
“以家塾组织,参书院精神”——梅园豁然洞读书处办学特色初探 被引量:3

Studies in the Distinctive Features of a School Named the Meiyuan Huoran Cave
摘要 一九二七年春,荣德生于无锡公益工商中学停办之后,创办了梅园豁然洞读书处,并确定了以家塾组织、学校教科,而参书院精神的办学方式,这是荣德生等人想要将中国古代书院的某些传统精神重新融入到现代学校教育中的一种尝试。这种尝试,既有着当时中国教育的整体发展变化作为它的背景,也是缘自于荣德生本人自兴办学校二十余年来自身的感受和反思。在"参书院精神"的办学理念下,所形成的具体的办学特色,一是在办学宗旨上,注重人格训练;二是在课程设置上,以国文为主;三是在教学方法上,于课堂讲授之外,注重培养学生个人读书、自我学习的习惯与能力。 In the spring of 1927, after Wuxi Public Welfare Industrial and Commercial Secondary School was closed up, Rong Desheng set up a learning place named the Meiyuan Huoran Cave. He decided that although run and organized by a family, the school implemented the spirit of academy of classical learning and mainly offered the course of Chinese. What he and his associates did was, in fact, an attempt to integrate some traditional spirit of ancient Chinese academy of classical learning with modern school education. It is true that such an attempt was related with the general trend of the development of China's education then, but more importantly it came from Rong's own experience of and reflection on running a school for more than twenty years. His school, adopting the idea of implementing the spirit of academy of classical learning while running a school, was characterized firstly by its purpose which aimed at the training in forming a person's character, secondly by its curriculum which mainly offered Chinese, and thirdly by its method of instruction which, in addition to the lessons in class, attached importance to forming students' individual learning habit and improving their self study abilities.
作者 刘桂秋
机构地区 江南大学文学院
出处 《南京晓庄学院学报》 2007年第4期119-124,共6页 Journal of Nanjing Xiaozhuang University
关键词 荣德生 豁然洞读书处 办学特色 书院精神 Rong Desheng the Meiyuan Huoran Cave as a learning place distinctive features of a school spirit of academy of classical learning
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