
指纹图像采集及真伪鉴别技术研究 被引量:1

Research on the technology of fingerprints image pickup And true-false distinguish
摘要 利用非接触指纹图像采集与生物电真伪指纹鉴别相结合的指纹图像获取技术,不仅解决了全反射方法中存在的残留指纹、手指的压感、旋转、采集头的灰尘对图像质量产生影响等问题,还解决了利用人造指纹等假指纹、截取他人手指等死指纹进行违法犯罪活动而无法有效鉴别等问题。实验结果表明,该方法采集图像清晰,并且可根据实际要求的严格程度,调节系统的拒判率和误判率,可广泛应用于刑侦、金融等对安全有较高要求的领域。 Based on the combination of non- touch fingerprints image pickup technology and bio- electricity fingerprints true- false dis- tinguish test technology, we not only solve the problems such as residual fingerprints, finger pressure, rotation, and the dust on the pickup sensor which deteriorate the quality of image during full- reflection, but also settle the problems such as unable to distinguish the fingerprints due to using artificial fingerprints or dead fingerprints from other people to have illegal activities. The experiment re- sult shows that this method can pick up clear image, and can adjust the system judgment rate and error rate according to require- ment. This technology can be widely used in police and banking industries which have strictly high demand for safety.
出处 《微计算机信息》 北大核心 2007年第19期287-289,共3页 Control & Automation
基金 国家自然科学基金资助课题(60375002)
关键词 非接触 指纹采集 生物电 真伪鉴别 Non- touch, Fingerprints pickup, Bio- electricity, True- false distinguish
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