
成人心脏外科术后并发精神障碍31例临床分析 被引量:3

Psychosis complications after cardiac surgery in adult
摘要 目的提高对成人心脏外科手术后患者并发精神障碍认识与防治。方法分析620例成人心脏手术后出现精神障碍患者的临床表现和转归。结果本组并发精神障碍的发生率为5%(31/620),29例患者精神障碍治愈,2例死亡。结论长时间体外循环中脑血流灌注不足,微栓形成,术后并发心、肺、脑等脏器功能障碍及感染可能是精神障碍的诱发因素和出现精神障碍的主要原因。提高认识,及时有效地治疗躯体疾病及心理治疗,绝大多数患者预后良好。 Objective To assess prevention , diagnosis and treatment for psychosis complications after cardiac surgery in adult. Methods 620 cases of patients with open heart surgery were observed. The patients with psychosis complications were diagnosed and treated. The morbidity and mortality were studied for analysis. Results The incidence of postoperative psychosis complications was 5%(32/620). After the treatment, 29 patients fully recovered while 2 patient died. Conclusion The risk factors of postoperative psychonosema are not only longer aortic clamping time and cardiopulmonary bypass time during cardiac surgery, but also duration of intubation or ICU stay, cardiorespiratory insufficiency , infection , et al. Comprehensive prevention measures should be taken.
出处 《中国实用神经疾病杂志》 2007年第6期31-32,共2页 Chinese Journal of Practical Nervous Diseases
关键词 心脏手术 精神障碍 并发症 Cardiac surgery Psychosis Complication
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