近几年,西南重镇成都市在推进城乡一体化工作中,顺应经济规律,运用市场规则,注重投融资平台搭建,积极开展投融资体制改革,初步形成了政府引导、市场运作、社会参与的多元化投资机制,有效地促进了成都经济的发展。2006 年,成都市实现地区生产总值2750 亿元,全口径财政收入489 亿元,城市居民人均可支配收入12789 元,农民人均纯收入4905 元。英特尔、摩托罗拉、丰田、西门子等120 家世界500 强企业在成都直接进行项目投资或设立办事机构、研发中心。成都的快速发展得益于政府在探索统筹城乡发展过程中通过各种方式有效解决了城市化发展的资金瓶颈。为此。
In the recent years, Chengdu City has managed to promote the Coordinative Development of Urban-rural Area. Chengdu paid its attention to build investing and financing flat, tried to reform the investing and financing system, and succeeded in setting up multi-investing mechanism, which improved the economic development of the city. In 2006, the regional GDP of Chengdu amounted to RMB 275 billion, accompanying Budgetary Revenue amounting to RMB 48.9 billion, Available Income Per Person of Downtown to RMB 12,789 and Available Income Per Person of country to RMB 4,905. About 120 companies of World Top 500 invested or built branches in Chengdu such as Intel, Motorola, Toyota and Siemens. The fast development of Chengdu attributed to the government solving the financing problems successfully during the process of Coordinative Development of Urban-rural Area. To find the answers of more questions, our reporter interviewed Ge Honglin, the Mayor of Chengdu City.
International Financing