本项研究对人工感染传染性法氏囊病毒(IBDV)的1日龄雏鸡和未感染 IBDV的相应对照雏鸡的免疫器官组织——法氏囊、胸腺、脾脏、盲肠扁桃体和哈德尔腺中的浆细胞总数、成熟浆细胞和前浆细胞数量及其分布的动态变化进行了检测。结果表明,1日龄雏鸡感染 IBDV 后,免疫器官组织中浆细胞总数和成熟浆细胞数明显低于对照雏鸡;前浆细胞数在感染初期也呈现一定的减少。浆细胞的上述变化在法氏囊的淋巴小结皮质、脾脏的红髓和鞘动脉外周、盲肠扁桃体的弥散区、哈德尔腺的集合小管和排泄管周围、胸腺的髓质等区域最明显。表明1日龄雏鸡感染IBDV 后,免疫器官的体液免疫反应呈现明显抑制。
The results of this study are as follows:1.The total of acid a-naphthyl acetate esterase positive(ANAE+)lympho-cytes and the content of the granular ANAE+ lymphocytes in the thymus,spleen,Harderian gland(HG),bursa of Fabricius(BF)and cecal tonsil of day-oldchicks infected with IBDV decreased significantly after infecting.2.The decrease of ANAE+ lymphocyte content of immune organs of chi-cks infected with IBDV demonstrated mostly markedly in the thymie medulla,periarteriolar lymphatic sheath and red pulp of spleen,surrounding region ofcollecting tubule and excretory pipe of HG,diffusive region of cecal tonsil,lymph nodullar cortex and medulla of BF.3.The decrease of T cell content in the immune organs of day-old chicksafter infecting with IBDV manifested that cell mediated immunity is susppre-ssed.4.The total of lymphocytes in the immune organs of day-old chicks infect-ed with IBDV also decreased in varying degrees.The decrease of lymphocytecontent associated with the lowered immunity of chickens infected with IBDV.
infectious bursal disease virus
immune organs
T cell