During the whole year from March 1, 1994 to February 28, 1995, 28486 patients returned the questionaires, which account for over 98% of the total who came for emergency treatment in the same peoriod. The information gathered shows:①among the emergency patients, males outnumber females and the high incidence age groups are 21~30 and 31~40; ②the frequency of emergency visits is the lowest at midnight and in the early morning and the highest is from 17 to 22 hours; ③the density of emergency visits is a little higher in autumn and winter than in spring and summer; ④the emergency patients come mainly from urban area with only 6.12% from the countryside and so the radius of the energency treatment service is relatively short; and ⑤50.1% of the patients come by taxi, 22.3% by public transportation and only 6.7% by first aid ambulance. Twenty most frequent emergency complaints or diagnoses have been firstly reported, which account for 60.9% of the emergency patients with trauma cases excepted.
Chinese Journal of Hospital Administration
Patients,Emergency Treatment Epidemiology