
日本特高压交流输电技术的研究与实践(下)——参加对日咨询的考察见闻 被引量:11

Research and Application of UHV AC Transmission Technologies in Japan
摘要 日本东京电力公司在20世纪90年代建成了1000 kV南北输电线路(长度为190 km)和东西输电线路(长度为240 km),这些输电线路均采用同塔双回路架设。就1000 kV电压等级而言,东京电力公司在世界上首次实现了特高压同塔双回输电线路的建设,这将有助于提高电力系统的输电可靠性。该文一方面简要地阐述了东京电力公司特高压输电线路设计的基本理念及其最优化结构参数,另一方面概要地介绍了日本电力中央研究所开展的关于特高压线路污秽外绝缘特性和电磁环境影响等关键技术问题研究的考察见闻,为我国1000 kV特高压交流输电线路的设计和施工提供了参考和借鉴。 Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO) has completed the North-South 1000 kV transmission route (190 km) and the East-West 1000 kV transmission route (240 km) in the 1990's, which consist of double-circuit transmission lines on the same tower. As for 1000 kV class, TECPO' s double-circuit transmission technology has been regarded as the first attempt in the world, and it will contribute to the enhancement of power system reliability. This paper, based on the investigations in Japan, briefly describes TEPCO's overall design philosophies related to the 1000 kV transmission lines and optimum configuration, then summarily introduces some key issues about external insulation characteristics under contamination condition and electromagnetic environment impact studied by Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry (CRIEPI). Above-mentioned consultation will be helpful for the design and construction of UHV AC transmission lines in China.
作者 赵建国 牛林
出处 《电力系统及其自动化学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2007年第4期1-6,共6页 Proceedings of the CSU-EPSA
关键词 特高压输电线路 低噪声导线 杆塔荷载 污秽外绝缘 电磁环境 UHV transmission line low noise conductor tower load external insulation under contamination condition electromagnetic environment
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