
不等像视检查法的改进研究——眼科图像计算机处理功能之四 被引量:1

An Improvement for Aniseikonia Test
摘要 目的绘制在纸上的不等像检查方法存在位置线索,反复检查时被检者常按上次认定的位置指图。为了提高随机性而研制计算机不等像检查。方法以Awaya的新不等像检查为蓝本自编软件,在计算机屏幕上显示一对可调整大小的红绿半圆,选非屈光参差64人及屈光参差43人试用比较。结果两组人两种检查法差异无显著性。结论该检查与Awaya的新不等像检查结果相同,且不存在位置线索,不易脏损,颜色鲜艳稳定,不受照明灯光色谱影响。 bjectiveThe patterns for traditional aniseikonia test which is printed on paper have position cue.In order to avoid this shortage,we developed a new computer operating method.MethodsThe method based on Awayas’s New Aniseikonia Tests.An adjustable red green semicircle was displayed on the monitor.The results of anisometropia and nonanisometropia subjects were compared.ResultsThere was no significant difference between the two groups.ConclusionOur results were the same as Awaya’s test and unaffected by strabismus,illumination.The color of the patterns is stable without position cue.
出处 《眼科研究》 CSCD 1997年第1期51-53,共3页 Chinese Ophthalmic Research
关键词 计算机 不等像视检查 红绿检查 computer aniseikonia red green test
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