AIM: To detect the temporo - spatial expression of USF1 mRNA during mouse tooth development. METHODS: Paraffin sections of first molar tooth germ in El3, 16, 19, P1, 5, 8, 11, 21d mouse were prepared respectively and in situ hybridization was carried out with the specific USF1 cDNA probe prepared in our previous researches. RESULTS: Positive staining for USF1 mRNA in mouse tooth germ began from P1 d evidently, and extended to P1 ld, which was mainly localized in the secreting ameloblasts and odontoblasts, but no staining in bud, cap and early bell stages of tooth germ. Moreover, on P21d after tooth eruption, USF1 mRNA became negative again. CONCLUSlON: USF1 mRNA is expressed in tooth germ, which mainly localizes in the secreting ameloblasts and odontoblasts, and its expression was quite dynamic during mouse tooth development.
Chinese Journal of Conservative Dentistry