
Dot-ELISA联检牛羊捻转血矛线虫和肝片吸虫病的研究 被引量:5

Studies on the simultaneous diagnosis of haemonchsis and fascioliasis in cattle and sheep by Dot-ELISA
摘要 应用Dot-ELISA联检14200头牛羊捻转血矛线虫和肝片吸虫病抗体,其中55头羊与剖检捻转血矛线虫和肝片吸虫虫体的比较,其阳性符合率均达100%,并可测出自然感染1~2条以上的捻转血矛线虫和肝片吸虫病抗体;373头(牛310头,羊63头)血检阳性的牛羊与粪检的比较,其捻转血矛线虫和肝片吸虫病的阳性符合率分别达9279%和9515%。 The antibodies of Haemonchus contortue and Fasciola hepatica from a group of 14,200 cattle and sheep was simultaneously examined by Dot-ELISA The Dot-ELISA data were compared with the results of the autopsy in 55 sheep tested The positive specificities of the Dot-ELISA for both H contortue and F hepatica were 100% The Dot-ELISA was able to detect the antibodies from the animals naturely infected with 1~2 H contortus or F heptica 373 cattle and sheep with postive results by the Dot-ELISA were examined for faecal eggs The positive specificities were 9279% and 9515% for H contortus and F hepatica, respectively The results indicated that the Dot-ELISA will be a useful tool for diagnosis of Haemonchosis and Fascioliasis in cattle and sheep
出处 《浙江农业学报》 CSCD 1997年第2期97-99,共3页 Acta Agriculturae Zhejiangensis
关键词 捻转血柔线虫 肝片吸虫病 Dot-ELISA simultaneous diagnosis cattle sheep Haemonchus contortus Fasciola hepatica
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