
面向Agent的网格服务和企业现有系统集成方法研究 被引量:3

Agent-oriented grid service integration with enterprise existing system
摘要 通过分析开放式网格服务架构(open grid service architecture,OGSA)的网格服务过程和Agent行为的特点,建立了网格服务环境下Agent 5个状态的基本行为和网格服务自主行为的对应关系.在此基础上,构建了面向Agent的网格服务与企业现有系统的集成框架,集成框架通过Agent实例和网格服务实例之间的互操作来实现网格服务和企业现有系统的相互调用,给出了其互操作的过程,建立了服务集成Agent的基本构造.实例验证了使用Agent可以有效地集成网格服务和企业现有系统,解决了非面向服务体系结构中调用网格服务所面临的困难. After analyzing the characteristic of open grid service architecture(OGSA) and basic Agent actions,five basic Agent actions in the Agent lifecycle and the autonomous actions of grid service were compared.Then the integral framework of Agent-oriented grid service integrating with enterprise existing system was proposed.The framework supports the interaction between Agent instance and grid service to call grid service.The interactive process was described and the integral Agent was constructed.A case study shows that the integral Agent can manage the grid service in the whole life cycle and improve the service credibility,and solve the problem to call grid service in non-Agent-oriented system.
出处 《浙江大学学报(工学版)》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第8期1238-1243,共6页 Journal of Zhejiang University:Engineering Science
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(50575204 60374057) 国家"863"高技术研究发展计划资助项目(2005AA411910 2006AA04Z151)
关键词 网格服务集成 智能集成 集成Agent 企业现有系统 grid service integration agent integration integration Agent enterprise existing system
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