介绍了IPTV机顶盒在业务能力、功能描述、媒体处理功能、交互功能,管理功能,通信协议各方面的技术要求,研究并实现了基于ADM8668+TI DM642硬件平台的机顶盒,并在IP的网络条件下,经过测试,该系统可以支持MPEG2-PS MPEG2-TS 8Mbps的流媒体,并与Server具有良好的交互性,基本上达到了IPTV机顶盒技术标准.
Based on IPTV STB technical requirement on service capability,functon description,media processing,interaction and management capability,a STB on ADM8668 with DM642 hardware is researched and implemented.In IP network test ,it can support up to 8Mbps MPEG2-TS and PS stream,with good interaction with server,and so basically meets the need of IPTV STB.
Journal of Shaoyang University:Natural Science Edition