本文报告了舌癌远处转移的研究,论述了血道扩散与转移的关系,提出了减少远处转移的方法,在188例舌癌患者中有10例远处转移的患者,其中包括了7例肺转移及3例肝转移,肺转移为肝转移的2.3倍。此10例患者为鳞状上皮癌,腺癌,未分化癌,分化程度谐为Ⅲ ̄Ⅳ级,说明病理分级与远处转移有重要关系。
In this paper is reported a study on distant metastasis of the carcinoma of the tongue,the relationship between vascular dissemination ,and the methed to reduce the distant metastasis. Of188 patients , 10 patients saffered distant metastas of the carcinoma of the tongue (5. 3%, 10/188) in-cluding 7 cases of lung metastasis and 3 cases of liver metastasis.The ling metastasis was 2.3 times thatof the live- The 10 patients, according to pathologic classification are squmous cell carcinoma 8 cases,anaplastic carcinoma 1 case, and adenocarcinoma 1 case. All the cases of the classification degre are Ⅲ toⅣ. This shoWed that distant metastasis and pathologic classification degree of the carcinoma were closelyrelated.The patients with the distant metastasis wqumous cell carcinoma accounted for 80 per cen (8/10) .The patients with distant metastasis of carcinoma of the tongue along with neck lymph node's metastasis also made up 80 per cent (8/10) .This indicated that the develOopnt of distant metastasis was sig-nificantly associated with the development of meck metastasis. The best method toprevent from distantmetastasis after operation was the and postoperaive adjuvant chemotherapy, along with the lo-cal infusion chemotherapy during operation.
Henan Journal of Oncology
distant metastasis, Vascular dissimination ,carcinoma of the tongue