本文对食管上皮细胞重度增生417例未经特殊治疗而进行随访性研究结果说明:重度增生的自然转归结果为162例转归为食管癌,占38.8%,28例死于其它癌。占6.7%,169例死于其它病,占40.6%,58例为现症患者,占13.9%。对157例因食管癌死亡者进行癌变时间研究说明以1 ̄5年为多,占56.1%,其平均癌变时间为3年6月。
Four hundred and seveteen cases of sever esophageal epithelial cell hyperplasia without speifictreatment were studied by means of follow-up. The results indicaed that the final results of the naturalcourse of the severe esophageal epithelial cell hyperplasia were esophageal cancer (38. 8%, 162/417),death of other diseases(40. 6%, 169/417), death of other cancers (6. 7%,28/417)and ekisting patientswith edageal epthelial cell hyperlasia(13. 9%, 58/417). 58 existing current patients with esophagealepithelial cell hyperplasia were investigated by cytopathology, the results were as follws: 33 cases werewith normal esophageal epithelia(56. 9% ), 16 with slight esophageal epithelial hyerplasia(27. 6% ). Iwith esophageal carcinoma (1 .7% ) and 8 missed the follow-up (13.8% ) .Such a large scaled follow-upstrdy of the sever esophageal epithelial cell hyperplasis has not been seen at home and abroad.
Henan Journal of Oncology