
双腔喉罩在小儿的应用 被引量:4

ProSeal Laryngeal Mask Airway in Children
摘要 双腔喉罩(ProSeal laryngeal mask,PLMA)具有通气道和引流管,是目前设计最为精巧的喉罩。在提高通气效果的同时又能防止胃内容物的反流误吸。小儿双腔喉罩自2003年底面世以来,已广泛应用于小儿麻醉。本文讨论了小儿双腔喉罩的结构特点、置入方法,临床性能以及在小儿的临床应用。 The ProSeal laryngeal mask airway (PLMA) is a modification of the classic laryngeal mask airway (CLMA) with an esophageal drain tube, designed to improve controlled ventilation as well as to reduce risks of regurgitation and aspiration of gastric contents. PLMA for children was introduced in 2003, which has been widely used in pediatric anesthesia. The review is presented in PLMA design, insertion technique, practicalities of use and performance in children.
出处 《麻醉与监护论坛》 2007年第4期234-236,共3页 Forum of Anesthesia and Monitoring
关键词 双腔喉罩 小儿 呼吸道管理 ProSeal laryngeal mask airway Children Airway management
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