5Daniel R. Cahoy, Changing the Rules in the Middle of the Game: How the Prospective Application of Judicial Decisions Related to Intellectual Property Can Promote Economic Efficiency, 41 Am. Bus. L.J. 1,22 (2003). In fact, some in- dustry experts argue that the best assets, such as Microsoft' s know--how and DelPs exclusive marketing set--up, are in fact intangible. Bernard Condon, Management, Strategies, Trends: Numbers Games, FORBES (January 25,1999).
6Daniel R. Cahoy, Changing the Rules in the Middle of the Game: How the Prospective Application of Judicial Decisions Related to Intellectual Property Can Promote Economic Efficiency, 41 Am. Bus. L.J. 1,22 (2003). In fact, some in- dustry experts argue that the best assets, such as Microsoft' s know--how and Dell's exclusive marketing set--up, are in fact intangible. Bernard Condon, Management, Strategies, Trends: Numbers Games, FORBES (January 25,1999). at 22 n. 78.
7Brenda Sandburg, Inventor' S Lawyer Makes a Pile form Patents, THE RECORDER, July 30, 2001, LEXIS, Nexis Library, RECRDR File.