
试论从环境史的视角诠释高技术战争——研究价值与史料特点 被引量:3

A Trial Explanation on the High-tech War under a View of Environment History:Its Research Value and Characteristics of Historical Data
摘要 传统史家和环境史家对战争的诠释视角有着明显不同,从环境史的视角诠释战争方兴未艾。高技术战争造成的环境问题,加剧了人与自然的对立和世界秩序的不公,但相关研究还远未深入。这种诠释所依赖的史料有着鲜明的特点,对研究者提出了更多、更高的要求。 When annotating wars, there are significantly different views between traditional and environmental historians.The tendency to annotate wars from an environmental history view is ascendant. Environmental problems, caused by high-tech wars, prick up not only the antagonism between man and nature, but also the unjustness of the world order. However, relevant research is far from enough. The historical data, on which the annotation relies, have vivid characteristics and bring forward more and higher requests to scholars.
作者 贾珺
出处 《学术研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2007年第8期94-98,共5页 Academic Research
基金 教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地基金资助项目成果 项目名称为<环境史研究与20世纪中国史学> 批准号为06JJD770004
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