
Phytoplanktonic Community of Organically Polluted Tropical Reservoirs in Eastern India

Phytoplanktonic Community of Organically Polluted Tropical Reservoirs in Eastern India
摘要 Plankton communities of three reservoirs of India reflect the direct relationship with organic pollution. The assessment of water quality as highly or lowly organically polluted for the three water bodies has been achieved with help of algal community, which can be used as an indicator of organic pollution. Algal pollution indices according to Palmer[1] and Watanabe[2] and based on genus and species were used in rating water samples for high or low organic pollution. Among 26 genera of algae found in India, 20 most frequent and common genera were taken into account for indexing pollution status. Water quality index (WQI) on the basis of weighting and rating of the chemical parameter was also used to correlate the Palmer index with physico-chemical parameters of the three reservoirs. Fig 5, Tab 3, Ref Plankton communities of three reservoirs of India reflect the direct relationship with organic pollution. The assessment of water quality as highly or lowly organically polluted for the three water bodies has been achieved with help of algal community, which can be used as an indicator of organic pollution. Algal pollution indices according to Palmer and Watanabe and based on genus and species were used in rating water samples for high or low organic pollution. Among 26 genera of algae found in India, 20 most frequent and common genera were taken into account for indexing pollution status. Water quality index (WQI) on the basis of weighting and rating of the chemical parameter was also used to correlate the Palmer index with physicochemical parameters of the three reservoirs. Fig 5, Tab 3, Ref 29.
出处 《应用与环境生物学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第4期449-453,共5页 Chinese Journal of Applied and Environmental Biology
关键词 浮游生物 储蓄泡 海藻 水质量 有机污染 帕墨索引 Palmer index : organic oollution : reservoir algae- olankton : water quality index
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