基于Keil C51嵌入式操作系统的开发,把整个应用程序划分成多个任务,可大大减少错误率,加快产品开发速度。Keil C51生成的目标代码效率高,而在C51下的所有函数的局部变量都放在RAM的一片共同的区域里,给实时操作系统下的应用程序开发带来一定的难度。文章提出了单任务法、变量覆盖分析法、寄存器变量法、利用重入栈四种解决方法,结合实例验证了其有效性和正确性。
Program based on Keil C51 embedded operation system, which divides whole program into muhitask, can decrease the error rate and increase program speed.Keil C51 can make highly validity object codes,but all its local variables are deposit in common area of RAM,which bring some difficult in program based on real time operation.The four methods, that is single task,variable overly analyses,register variable and reentrant stack,are put forward in this paper,Its validity and correctness is proved with an example.
Control & Automation