
日粮阴阳离子间隙和日粮类型对奶牛乳热症的影响 被引量:3

Influence of Dietary DCAD and It's Type on Milk Fever of Milk Cow
摘要 乳热症是奶牛的一种严重代谢性疾病,是现代养牛业常见病、多发病.目前,对于该病的发病机理尚没有完全搞清楚,现在多采用发病后大量补钙来进行治疗,但是在发病时,病情已十分严重,因此临床疗效常常不佳.当前预防奶牛乳热症的方法主要是通过平衡干奶牛日粮离子,日粮阴阳离子间隙(DCAD)便应运而生,它作为定量分析碱源性日粮中的有害成分和饲喂阴离子日粮的有利作用的指标.通过平衡日粮离子,获得适宜的离子间隙,可以极大的改善奶牛的生产性能,有效防止乳热症,提高饲料摄入,增加奶产量,降低跛行、难产、乳房炎的发病率. Milk fever is a serious metabolizing sickness. It's a common and frequent sickness in cattle industry. Now, the mechanism why the illness will take place is not clear, and, the means of supplying calcium deficiently to cure after taking the illness is often applied. But during the sick period, the states of the illness have been very bad, so the clinical curative effect isn't good usually. Presently, the method of preventing milk fever is balancing the ion of dietary, so dietary cation anion difference (DCAD) comes into being. DCAD is looked as efficiency index to the quantitative analysis of the bad ingredient in the alkalescency source dietary, and to feeding the anion dietary. Through balancing ion in dietary to gain the proprieties ion distance, the producing ability of milk cow can be improved greatly, and milk fever can be prevented efficiently . It also can prove feed intake , and increase milk quantity, and debase the probability of limping , dystocia and breast tumefaction.
作者 毛雪梅
出处 《西南师范大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第4期53-57,共5页 Journal of Southwest China Normal University(Natural Science Edition)
关键词 阴阳离子平衡 乳热症 奶牛 dietary cation-anio balance milk fever milk cow
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