

The Sword with Silvery White Pattern and Its Analysis Through Synchronous Radiation X-ray Fluorescence
摘要 介绍了1枚传世银白色花纹钢剑的外部形态及其同步辐射X射线荧光分析的基本情况,并以此为基础对其材质、成花工艺、影响花纹钢性能的某些工艺因素进行了一些推测。该剑底色青黑,其上满布银白色重圈纹和组丝纹;它们都是平面花纹、自然花纹;看得见,难触摸;可摄影,不可拓摩;既自然流畅,又有一定规则。从科学分析可知,除铁外,基底和花纹都含有少量的铬、锰、铜。这种剑应是以两种含碳量相差较大且皆含有少量铬、锰、铜的铁碳合金加工成的;重圈纹和组丝纹的基本工艺当与髹漆中的犀皮相似,应是在多层积叠的钢铁料上,进行"做坑锻平"等一系列加工。该钢剑耐蚀能力较强,应与原料选择较好、锻打较为充分等都有一定关系。这种花纹钢的制作,从一个侧面反映了我国古代金属冶炼和加工的高超技艺,以及在古代世界花纹钢技术中的重要地位。 This article mainly deals with an ancient steel sword with silvery white pattern, its shape and basic information through an analysis of synchronous radiation X-ray fluorescence. According to the analysis, the article assumes the material of the sword, the technology about how the pattern is formed and some technical factors of exerting influence. The background of the sword is black, whose surface is bestrewn with silvery white multi-cycle and multi-line patterns. All of them are made of plane and natural patterns. Though pictures can be taken for them, they are not to be made into rubbings. They do not lack ease and grace, but they are still subjected to certain rules. Analysis reverals that the grounding and pattern contain a small amount of chrome, manganese and copper with no iron. This sword should be made of two iron-carbon alloys having different amount of carbon content with both of them containing a small amount of chrome, manganese and copper. The basic technology of multi-cycle and multi-line patterns, which resemble the hide of rhinoceros coated with lacquer, should undergo a series of processes on a multi-layer fold steel material. The steel sword is highly resistant to corrosion, which is, to a certain degree, due to the choice of good material and being forged to the full. The manufacture of pattern steel reflects from one aspect ancient China's superb skill in metal smelting and processing, and her important place in the pattern steel technology of the ancient world.
出处 《自然科学史研究》 CSCD 北大核心 2007年第3期407-417,共11页 Studies in The History of Natural Sciences
关键词 银白色 重圈纹 花纹钢 做坑锻平 silvery white, multi-cycle pattern, pattern steel, making a hole and forging plane
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