无线移动Ad Hoc自组网是由不依赖任何已有的网络设施的移动节点组成,该网络可以通过节点路由发现机制转发分组,并进行路由维护。Ad Hoc网络路由协议中DSR路由协议在不同发包率和节点移动速率的情况下各项网络性能都优于其他路由协议,尤其当网络业务量不大时性能更优。基于路由缓存大小和路由更新时间对协议性能的影响,利用OPNET建立DSR路由协议的Ad Hoc网络,并对路由出错、路由开销和时延等关键参数的仿真统计。仿真结果与理论分析一致,一般地,随着路由缓存变大和路由更新时间变短,网络中路由出错、路由开销和时延性能都有所提高。
An Ad Hoc network is a collection of wireless mobile hosts which form a temporary network without the aid of any established infrastructure or centralized administration. In such an environment, it may be necessary for one mobile host to complete the route discovery and route maintenance in forwarding a packet to its destination. In this paper, the routing protocols used in Ad Hoc network are introduced, especially DSR is presented in detail because it is most suitable for medium load environment compared with other protocols. The route cache and the route expired time are considered as critical factors to network performance, the key statistics route error, routing overhead and delay are collected and analysed. The statistics are consistent with corresponding theoretical analysis. It is pointed out that the suit route cache and the route expired time can improve the performance.
Computer Simulation