
海河流域主要河口水沙污染现状分析 被引量:28

Water and sediment pollution at river mouths of Haihe River basin
摘要 2005年底,对海河流域海河口、独流减、子牙新河和北排河4个入海河口6处水域实地考察并取水沙样,进行重金属、砷、总氮和总磷含量分析。采用了《地表水环境质量标准》和水体综合污染指数法等对水域单个污染物污染、水体综合污染、水体富营养化现状及变化进行分析,采用《海洋沉积物质量》等对底泥污染进行分析,并与2001年实测数据进行比较。水质分析结果表明,海河流域4个河口的水污染严重,主要重金属污染物为汞(Hg)。子牙新河和北排河河口的氮磷污染严重,水体呈严重的富营养状态。与2001年水质相比,4个河口的重金属浓度几乎全部大幅度下降,海河口和独流减河口水质情况有很大改观,但子牙新河河口水污染加重,北排河河口水质状况则与2001年相近。从底质分析来看,4个河口的底质重金属污染尚不严重,但底泥均存在严重的氮磷污染。与2001年相比,底泥中污染物含量大多变化不大,略有下降。这些数据反映出近年来海河流域在水污染治理、工业废水排放控制等方面的成效,但远离城市局部水域的水污染和富营养化加剧的趋势值得关注。 The water and sediment samples collected from 4 river mouths of the Haihe River were analyzed to investigate the pollution situation in 2005. The contents of heavy metal, total nitrogen and total phosphorus were measured and compared with the data obtained in 2001. The Surface Water Environmental Quality Standards (GB3838-20020) (China) and the comprehensive water index method were adopted to evaluate the pollution due to single pollutant substances, comprehensive pollution status and eutrophication status. The Marine Sediment Quality (GB18668-2002) (China) was adopted to evaluate the pollution of sediment. The results show that the water at these 4 river mouths are seriously polluted and the major heavy metal pollutant is Hg. Two river mouths are seriously eutrophieated. The comparison with the data of 2001 shows that the concentration of heavy metal at 4 river mouths are significantly reduced and Water quality at two river mouths is improved. The sediments at all river mouths are not seriously polluted by heavy metal but polluted by nitrogen and phosphorus with pollutant content a little bit less than that in 2001. These data reflect that the pollution control measures adopted in recent years are effective, but attention must be paid to the development tendency of water eutrophication in the district far from cities.
出处 《水利学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2007年第8期920-925,共6页 Journal of Hydraulic Engineering
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(50379056) 国家自然科学基金委员会与香港研究资助局联合科研资助项目(50318003)
关键词 河口 污染物 重金属 富营养化 水质 底泥污染 fiver mouths Haihe River basin heavy metal pollutant eutrophication water quality sediment pollution
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